Benefits of Studying Medicine Course at Singhania University
Singhania University Hospital and Research Centre offer basic and specialized medical services to its students and employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except for on Gazetted Holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. It employs full-time doctors, overall duty medical people, physiotherapists, gynecologists, orthopedists, general surgeons, eye specialists, ENT surgeons, and dentists surgeons, as well as component doctors. The Singhania University Hospital and Clinical Facility is well-equipped with the latest recent X-Ray machines, ECG machines, Pathology laboratories, and so on to provide all routine services to students, faculty, and BPL family members. Singhania University’s goal is to deliver “Indian Medical Graduates” who have required information, skills, and competence and thus are prepared to pursue lifetime education and training to remain up to date on relatively new proof care and remedy and thus are prepared to work in various community environments with high professional...